FAI Adult Introductory coaching course coming soon. Subsidised by the KDFL.. Requirements : Safeguarding 1 and Garda Vetted. Duration : 6 hours (Facilitated over one day Saturday / Date to be confirmed). Get yourself of the Coaching ladder now. All enquiries to reginacasey1@yahoo.ie
Sports specific first Aid Course exclusive to KDFL Members., Fully funded by the KDFL.
Central location, Requirements ; No requirements ,Duration : 5-6 hours (Saturday).
Fully certified, All enquiries to reginacasey1@yahoo.ie
Free requests : Must be requested two weeks in advance of the intended fixture by email to reginacasey1@yahoo.ie MAX two per team per season.
All accounts to be settled immediately.
The transfer/registration window is now opened until the 30th September 2022.