Rules and Constitution
Kildare and District Football League
Rules & Constitution
(As amended 13th March 2024)
Rule 1 Title
The League shall be called “The Kildare and District
Football League” hereinafter referred to as “The
Rule 2 Affiliation
The League shall be affiliated to The Leinster
Football Association and The Football Association of
Rule 3 Objects
The objects of the League shall be to co-operate with
The Bodies mentioned in Rule 2 in their efforts to promote, foster
and develop the game of Association Football in The
Kildare & District Football League area, and to take
such steps as may be deemed necessary or advisable
to prevent any infringements of the rules of the game
or other improper methods or practices in the game
and to protect it from abuse and to do all such things
as are incidental or inductive to the attainment of
these objects.
Rule 4 Membership
a) Clubs having their own grounds, public grounds, or
use of, shall be eligible for membership subject to the
approval of the League. On admission to the League
each club, their respective officials, representatives,
players and members shall be bound by the decisions
of the League which shall be final and binding on all
concerned, subject to all existing rights of appeal to the Leinster Football
Association, in the first instance and then to the Football Association of Ireland and
or independent arbitration thereafter.
b) A club shall not be admitted to the League if it
cannot provide a permanent home venue for its
fixtures. The League will inspect these facilities in
order to ensure that they are of the required standard.
The league may in exceptional circumstances allow a
club to play its’ home games at the away venue on a
temporary basis.
c) All new teams/clubs wishing to enter the league must ensure they have adequate
internal structures in place within their clubs (ie. Committee/security of
d) The League to allow the naming of a designated youth team by Clubs in addition
to an existing team/s.
e) Clubs must have their pitch roped off/barriers in place for all senior League and
senior cup games.
Rule 5 Application for Membership
Application from intending Clubs for admission to
the League, which must be made in writing on the
Official Club Registration Form, not later than February 15 th each year should include
the following particulars:
a) Situation of grounds and whether public or
b) Club colours
c) Names and addresses of club secretary and
members of the committee
d) Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of officers.
e) Proof that the club holds a current Public
Liability Insurance Policy.
Teams changing secretaries or secretaries changing
their addresses must notify the Hon. Secretary of The
League, Hon. Secretary of each League Club and the
Secretaries of The L.F.A. and the F.A.I. immediately.
Failure to do so may render a team liable to removal
from competition.
(f) All Clubs to submit with their application a copy of their current Rules and
(g) All Clubs adopt, if they do not have already, a generic email address with multiple
log ins.
Rule 6 Control of League
a) The control of the League shall be vested in the
Executive Committee, hereinafter called The
Executive, which shall consist of President,
Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar and
other Committee members as shall be deemed
necessary, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual
General Meeting. Any three of the Executive shall
form a quorum.
b)The Executive shall appoint a manager and / or
other technical staff to select, manage, train and
coach all teams representing the League.
Rule 7 Vacancies in Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall fill by co-option any
vacancies arising in the Committee during their term
of office. Should there be no nomination for a vacant
position on the Executive Committee to the League
Annual General Meeting the incoming Committee
may fill the position by appointing one of its number
or by co-option.
Rule 8 Access to Books etc.
Every member of the Executive shall have the right of
access, at all reasonable times, to the books,
documents, accounts and vouchers of the League and
shall be entitled to receive from the Committee and
the Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer such
information and explanation as he/she may consider
necessary in connection with any item of items of
Rule 9 Meetings
a) The Executive Committee shall meet at least
once a month for the purpose of transacting
any business that may arise and to receive a
monthly financial statement from the Hon.
b) A Meeting of Club Representatives,
hereinafter referred to as the League Council,
shall be held bi-monthly or as often as
necessary at which the business to be
transacted will consist of the reading of
minutes, correspondence, financial statement
and any other business that may arise. These
meetings shall be held on Wednesday. Each
affiliated Club must send a representative to
these meetings and only those bearing the
authorisation of the Club will be allowed to
attend. A deputy delegate may be appointed in
writing but in no case may two or more Clubs
be represented by the same delegate.
c) The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-
Chairman shall preside over all meetings of
the League at which he/she is present and
shall conduct the business in accordance with
the ordinary rules of procedure of which
he/she, shall be the judge. Should a vacancy
occur in the Office of Chairman or Vice-
Chairman, the Executive Committee shall
have the power to fill the vacancy from
amongst its members. In the absence of both
Chairman and Vice-Chairman they shall
appoint a member of the Executive Committee
to act as Chairman. In the case of equality of
votes on any motion the presiding Chairman
shall have a casting vote as well as an original
Rule 10 Non Attendance at Meetings
Should any member of the Executive Committee
absent himself/herself for three successive meetings
without special leave of absence or reason, deemed
satisfactory to the Committee, he/she shall be deemed
to have resigned. In the event of a member of the
League Council absenting himself/herself from a
League Management meeting his/her club shall be
fined an amount as prescribed in the standard
Schedule of Fines.
Rule 11 Annual General Meeting
a) Notification of the date of the Annual General
Meeting and all matters which it is intended to
include in the agenda, together with details of
resolutions and proposed alterations and/or
additions to the Rules must be sent in writing
to each club by the League Hon. Secretary
not less than 7 calendar (seven) days before
the date of the Annual General Meeting. Each
affiliated club shall be entitled to
representation at the Annual General Meeting
by 3 (three) delegates but no two or more
clubs may be represented by the same
delegate. The AGM shall take place at a date in February / March each year.
b) Members of the outgoing Executive
Committee shall be present at the Annual
General Meeting and shall have full voting
c) A Special General Meeting may be called by
the Executive Committee as may be deemed
necessary or a Special General Meeting shall
also be called upon receipt by the Hon.
Secretary of the League of a Requisition
signed by the secretaries of at least half of the
affiliated Clubs. The only business to be
transacted at such meeting shall be that
specified on the requisition or contained in the
agenda issued by the Hon. Secretary of the
League. 7 calendar (seven) days notice of any
such meeting shall be given to the secretaries
of all clubs in the League.
d) Any alteration or addition to these rules being
deemed necessary, notice of the proposed
alteration/addition must be sent to the Hon.
Secretary of the League, bearing a postmark
not less than 21 calendar (twenty-one) days
before the date of the Annual General
Meeting, signed on behalf of the club
concerned by the Hon. Secretary and Hon.
Chairman of that club. Such
alteration/addition shall not be made unless
supported by a two-third majority of those
present and voting at the A.G.M.
e)The Hon. Treasurer of the League shall furnish to the
secretary of each club an audited statement of
accounts with the League for the previous year not
less than 7 calendar (seven) days prior to the date of
the A.G.M.
f) The business of the Annual General Meeting
shall be:
1) To receive a report from the
Committee of the working of the
League during the Season.
2) To consider the Statement of Accounts
3) To elect an Executive Committee for
the following Season.
4) To transact any other business that
may arise.
5) To debate all motions (which are
deemed in order by the Executive
Committee) which have been
submitted by clubs or the Executive
6) Nominations for election to the
Executive Committee shall be
submitted to the League Secretary not
less than 21 calendar (twenty-one)
days before the date of the A.G.M.
such nominations must be signed by at
least 2 (two) officers of the
nominating Club.
7) The League Secretary shall issue a list
of outgoing and retiring officers and
Committee personnel at least 30
calendar (thirty) days in advance of the
A.G.M. Outgoing personnel need not
be nominated by Clubs.
8) The A.G.M. shall elect the patrons
(Not more than eight) from the
nominations put forward through the
Executive Committee at least two
months (61 days) in advance of the
A.G.M. They shall be subject to
approval by the Executive Committee
before the A.G.M.
9) Any Club whose account is not paid in full prior to the AGM shall not have any
voting right at the AGM or subsequent meetings until their account is clear.
Rule 12 Matches for League Purposes
The Executive Committee may arrange a
match/matches each season, the proceeds of which
will be devoted to League funds.
Rule 13 Competitions
a) The Executive Committee shall have the power to
organise competitions and to frame such rules as may
be necessary for these competitions.
b) The finals of the League and the Senior Division
cups shall be held in the best available ground. The
Committee shall decide on this issue.
Rule 14 Sub-Committees
All sub-committees shall be appointed by the
Executive Committee.
Rule 15 Inducement to act contrary to rules
Any club, team, official or player deemed guilty of
inducing or attempting to induce other clubs, teams
or officials to act contrary to the rules and decisions
of the Kildare and District Football League may be
liable to expulsion from the League. Or be otherwise dealt with as the Executive may
Rule 16 Suspension
Any club or team suspended from the League shall
not take part in any competition under the auspices of
the League.
Rule 17 Notification of suspensions
Clubs shall be notified by email of notice of
suspensions affecting them except in the case of
serious misconduct where the decision will be
delivered by hand to a member of the executive of the
club involved the suspension becomes effective on
Rule 18 Finance
a) The Finances of the League shall be
controlled by the Executive Committee and
audited by recognised auditors who are
approved by the A.G.M.
b) The Financial year of the League shall
commence on the 1st January and end on 31st.
of December each year.
c) The Annual Player registration fee shall be decided by the incoming Executive
Committee at their first meeting after the AGM, the player registration fee shall
incorporate the League affiliation fee/s.
d) All financial commitments to the League must
be paid in the timeframe decided by the
Executive Committee. Any club in default
may be liable to forfeiture of ties or removal
from the League. All Club’s financial Commitments to the League for the previous
season must be paid on or before the end of the financial year 31 st December each
year. Failure to do so will result in their application for membership being refused.
e) A player stands suspended until any fines
attaching to him are paid in full.
Rule 19 Banking
The Hon. Treasurer shall take control of all funds. All
monies received must be lodged in an approved
Bank/s to the account/s of the K.D.F.L. Lodgements
to be made immediately so that no cash remains on
hand except outside of banking hours. The Chairman,
Treasurer and Secretary shall operate the account/s.
All drawings save as hereinafter provided, must be
made by cheque with the exception of authorised
petty cash expenditure in respect of postage and such
like. Any two of the above signatories are necessary
to operate the account/s.
Rule 20 Books
The Treasurer shall keep such books, which shall be
audited, as required by the Executive Committee.
He/She shall enter in a proper Analysis cashbook the
date of receipt of such monies as may be handed to
him/her, together with details of each withdrawal
from the bank.
Rule 21 League Secretary’s Expenses
The Hon. Secretary of the League shall be allowed
such sums as may be considered necessary to meet
his/her expenses during the season. He/she must
keep a true record of his/her receipts and expenditure
in a recognised account book complete with the dates
on which the expenditure was incurred. He/she must
submit his/her accounts to the Treasurer as and when
required but not later than 31st December each year.
Rule 22 League Trustees
The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall for the
time being be for all intents and purposes owners of
all Cups, Trophies, Monies and Property of the
League and shall deal with the same in accordance
with the direction of the Executive Committee.
Rule 23 Club Accounts/Records
a) Clubs shall keep minutes of their meetings,
showing names and dates of election of
members and enter details in their cashbooks
of all financial transactions.
b) The Executive Committee of the League shall
have power to call on clubs, their officers,
members or players to produce any books,
letters or documents and/or other evidence,
which may be desired.
c) All clubs in the League shall supply a true
copy of the Minutes of their A.G.M. and also
a copy of the club’s financial report to the
Executive Committee each Season.
Rule 24 Vacancies in the League
The Executive Committee alone has power to elect
clubs and to fill vacancies, which may arise and may
curtail or extend competitions at their discretion.
Rule 25 Right to Refuse Application
The Executive Committee reserve the right to refuse
an application for membership and to suspend, fine,
expel or otherwise deal with any club or members or
officials of a club for failing to comply with any order or
decision made by the Executive Committee or whose
conduct is considered prejudicial to the interest of the
Rule 26 Notice of Suspension
The League Secretary upon approval of the
Disciplinary committee shall be empowered to inform
any Club, which is in breach of Rule 25 of immediate,
notice of suspension (per hand, post or email).
Rule 27 Conduct of League Officials
The Committee shall have power to investigate
charges against League Officials and to remove from
office any person whose conduct in the management
of League affairs has been proved objectionable.
Rule 28 Registration of Players – Updated 13/03/2024 (From FAI Regulations – June 2023
1. In accordance with the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players, a Player must be registered
with the Association to play for a club as either a Professional or an Amateur in accordance with the
Regulations. Only registered Players on the FAI Connect football management system are eligible to participate
in organised football. For a player to be validly registered with a club that player must be in status CONFIRMED
on the FAI Connect football management system. By the act of registering, a Player agrees to abide by the
Statutes and regulations of FIFA, UEFA and the Football Association of Ireland.
2. A Player may only be registered for one (1) club at a time. No club may register more than three (3) Players
on Amateur forms from the same club during the latter club’s current season except with the consent of the
Executive Committee of the club as confirmed in writing by the Secretary of the club from which the Players are
being signed.
3. Players may be registered for a maximum of three (3) clubs during the current season. During this period, the
Player is only eligible to play in Official Matches for two (2) clubs. As an exception to this rule, a Player moving
between two (2) clubs belonging to Associations with overlapping seasons (i.e. start of the season in
summer/autumn as opposed to winter/spring) may be eligible to play in official matches for a third club during
the relevant season, provided he or she has fully complied with his or her contractual obligations towards his
previous club. Equally the provisions relating to registration period as well as to the minimum length of
contract must be respected.
4. No Player either Amateur or Professional shall play for two Clubs during the current season without first
having their registration TERMINATED on FAI Connect by his or her original Club with the exceptions specified
under Regulation 4. “Original club” shall mean the Club which the Player has signed a form and first registered
on the FAI Connect football management system. The process for transferring between clubs is set out at
Regulation 8.6 of Annex 1, Section 6. In the event that a Player has his or her registration with their club
Terminated outside of a re- registration period, that player shall not be permitted to be registered with a
different club until the next re-registration period.
5. Players, sixteen (16) years of age or under, shall not be entitled to play for a Club, whose main home pitch, as
registered with their League, is more than eighty kilometres (80km) from the Player’s usual place of residence.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such Player who prior to the effective date of this regulation is compliant
with the terms of the regulation but subsequently, as a result of a change of usual place of residence becomes
in breach of this regulation shall continue to be eligible to play for that particular club and shall not be liable to
sanction. Players deemed to be in breach of this regulation shall be deemed to have breached the FAI
Ineligibility regulation and any sanction imposed shall be in accordance only with the provisions of that FAI
regulation. Players, sixteen (16) years of age or under, participating in the FAI National League shall be exempt
from the eighty kilometres (80km) jurisdictional restriction. Consent must be provided by the player’s parent or
legal guardian in order for the player to register with a team participating in the FAI National League.
Signature of the appropriate registration form by the player’s parent or legal guardian shall be deemed to be
6. No Member, League or Club shall, following the effective date of this regulation, be entitled to introduce
rules within its own rulebook which have the effect of placing any restriction on players from registering or
playing, unless such rules have been approved by the Association. Rules which are not so approved shall be
deemed to be void.
1. In accordance with the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players if a Player who has not
been registered with the Association (i.e. showing a registered status as CONFIRMED on the FAI
Connect football management system) appears for a club in any official Match, that Player will be
considered an ineligible player. . Without prejudice to any measure required to rectify the sporting
consequences of such an appearance, sanctions may also be imposed on the Player and/or the club.
The right to impose such sanctions lies with the Association or the organiser of the competition
A KDFL Player must be signed at least 14 days before a domestic cup/shield/play off game. For purposes of
this rule Cup and Shield games carry the same status.
Club Registration Periods
The registration periods for the Amateur game (which for the avoidance of doubt includes all amateur
underage players) for a player to be registered to a club shall be as follows:
1. Standard/Winter Season (1st July to 30th June)
a) The first Club registration period is from 1st July to 23rd September (where a player registered with a Club is
registering with a different club).
b) The second Club registration period is from 1st January to 28th January (where a player registered with a
Club is registering with a different club).
A player that is not registered with a club may register for a club at any time, subject always to compliance
with the provisions of these Regulations including, but not limited to,: (i) Section 6, Regulation
2.4 above; and (ii) the Periods for the Assignment of a Player to a Competition set out below.
2. Calendar/Summer Season (1st December to 30th November)
a) The first Club registration period is from 1st December to 22nd February (where a player registered with a
Club is registering with a different club).
b) The second Club registration period is from 1st July to 28th July (where a player registered with a
Club is registering with a different club).
A player that is not registered with a club may register for a club at any time, subject always to compliance
with the provisions of these Regulations including, but not limited to,: (i) Section 6, Regulation 2.4
above; and (ii) the Periods for the Assignment of a Player to a Competition set out below.
Periods for the Assignment of Players to a Competition
1. Standard/Winter Season (1st July to 30th June)
a) Players that are not assigned to a Competition may only be assigned to a Competition during
the period from 1st July to 31st March (inclusive).
b) A Player is not permitted to be assigned to a Competition during the period 1st April and 30th
June (inclusive) unless otherwise permitted under these Regulations.
2. Calendar/Summer Season (1st December to 30th November)
a) Players that are not assigned to a Competition may only be assigned to a Competition during
the period from 1st December to 31st August.
b) A player is not permitted to be assigned to a Competition from between 1st September and 30th
November (inclusive) unless otherwise permitted under these Regulations.
3. Players registered with clubs whose fixtures extend beyond the above dates (subject to prior approval
from the Association) are committed to these clubs until those fixtures are complete.
4. If a club disbands during the Season the Player registrations shall come under the direction of the
Football Association of Ireland. The Players may be allowed, at the discretion of the Football Association
of Ireland to register with other clubs. The deadline for such registrations shall be 31st March for the
Winter Season and 31st August for the Summer Season.
A KDFL Player must be signed at least 14 days before a domestic cup/shield/play off game. For purposes of
this rule Cup and Shield games carry the same status.
Rule 29 Transfers – Updated 16/3/23
The process for transferring between Clubs is set out on Regulation 8.6 of annex 1,
Section 6 of the FAI Regulations (Updated June 2023)
Rule 30 Player Inducement
Any Club/Team deemed guilty of inducing or
attempting to induce a player from another
Club/Clubs may be liable to removal from the League
or otherwise dealt with as the Executive Committee
see fit.
Rule 31 Ineligible Players
Clubs proved guilty of playing ineligible players in
any competition under the auspices of K.D.F.L. shall
be fined an amount to be decided by the Executive
Committee for each offence and be otherwise dealt
with as the Executive Committee may determine. (eg
points deduction etc). Clubs have the right to purchase
from the League a “Signature Check Sheet”. This Sheet
may be used at the club’s games to prove the identity /
eligibility of up to four players on the opposing team via the
Match Official. Each Signature Check Sheet can be used for
one game only. Extra Sheets can be purchased from the
League if required. The completed Signature Check Sheet
should then be lodged with the Protest in accordance with
Rule . The cost of the Signature Check Sheets shall be
Decided by the League Committee from time to time.
The League in association with the Kildare Laois Branch of the ISRS have agreed in the
interest of the game that a team can request a snap shot of the completed match card
following any game played domestically. The person requesting the snap shot MUST be an
official member of their Club, preferably the person who has completed the card initially.
Rule 32 Fixtures
a) Clubs will be notified of fixtures by publication of
the same in a National and/or Provincial newspaper,
for the time being the fixtures carried in The Leinster
Leader are deemed to be the official fixtures. The
Fixtures Secretary will advise clubs of any alteration
to this arrangement. The Fixtures Secretary at his/her
discretion may order teams to play evening games if
Rule 33 Regrading
If a player has played five or more games for a
team of his Clubs/Club in a high Division he can no
longer play for a team competing in a lower Division
without being re-graded. Not more than 5 (five)
players can be re-graded to a team in any one Season.
The final date for such re-grading shall be 31 st August each year and / or in line with
the FAI Regulations at that time. Requests for re-grading must be
made on the official form supplied by the League.
Rule 34 Power to Alter Fixtures
The League Secretary/Fixtures Secretary shall
arrange all matches and he/she shall fix the time and
kick-off. No club shall have the power to postpone or
break a fixture or change the venue or time without
the prior consent of the League/Fixtures Secretary.
Postponements may not be granted.
Note: The kick-off time indicated by a club in its Application for
Membership of the League is a preferred kick-off time only and may be
altered by the Fixtures Secretary if the need arises.
In the event of a game being cancelled a club should be notified of
the cancellation by phone (not by email)
Rule 35 Refusal of Clubs to Fulfil Fixture
a) Any Club refusing to fulfil a fixture as directed by
the League Fixtures Secretary may be adjudged to
have lost the match and be otherwise dealt with as the
Executive Committee may determine.
b) A team failing to fulfil a fixture in the Senior
division, without having a reason acceptable to the
committee, shall be deducted three points
c) A team in the Senior division which causes the
cancellation of a game, due to an inadequately
prepared ground shall be deducted three points.
d)Any team conceding a walkover shall be deducted three points.
Rule 36 Abandoned Matches
If for any cause whatever a match has been
abandoned before the completion of the full period of
time the Executive Committee shall have power at its
discretion to:
a) Order the match to be replayed in its entirety
b) Leave the result stand
c) REGULATION 8 FAI Handbook
1. If a team refuses to play a match or refuses to continue playing a match which has
may be sanctioned with a fine and/or may forfeit the match.
2. If a Match Official has to abandon a match due to the conduct of members of a
team, including their Officials, the offending team may forfeit the match and the team
and/or Officials
may be sanctioned.
3. In serious cases, the team shall also be disqualified from the competition in
progress and
may be disqualified from future competitions.
4. If a team fails to fulfil a fixture, in circumstances not already provided for in these
Disciplinary Regulations, it may be subject to disciplinary sanction.
Rule 37 Requirements for Match Day
All clubs must provide the following requirements on match
Proper pitch markings
Regulation goalposts and nets
Four corner flags, (minimum five feet high)
Suitable playing surface
Proper access to the ground
and any other items the Executive Committee may deem necessary
Both clubs must provide:
Two playable match balls, which must be FIFA approved/FIFA Standard
First aid kit
Eighteen numbered shirts.
The match card must be properly and legibly completed giving the
Full first names and surnames of all players.
The match card must be completed prior to kick off.
The referee must receive prompt payment prior to kick off of the fees
laid down elsewhere in this booklet.
Rule 38 Choice of Colours
In the event of the two clubs registering the same
colours the home club shall change when the clubs
meet in competition. In the event of such clubs
having to play a test or other match on neutral
grounds the choice of colours shall be decided by the
toss of a coin.
Rule 39 Tournaments
Clubs/Teams/Players/Organisations or Firms wishing
to run/organise or participate in Tournaments must
seek the permission of the Executive Committee and
The Leinster Football Association. Parties taking part
in unauthorised tournaments may be suspended and
otherwise dealt with as directed by the League, The
L.F.A. and/or the F.A.I.
Rule 40 Referees:
Appointment of The League Secretary or the Fixtures Secretary shall
appoint referees, at the discretion of the League.
In the absence of the appointed Referee the two clubs
may agree to the appointment of an Official at the
Venue and such referee shall be considered a League
official for the time being. In the event of an
appointed Referee being unable to attend he / she shall
notify the League / Fixtures Secretary of the League as early as
Rule 41 Referees: Complaints Against
Any complaints against Referees must be lodged with
the Referees committee of the Football Association of Ireland and a copy sent to the
League Secretary
within 4 (four) days of the cause of the complaint.
Rule 42 Referees to decide fitness of ground
In the case of unfavourable weather the Referee must
inspect the ground previous to the advertised time of
kick off and on appeal by either of the competing
teams must give a decision as to whether the ground
is playable, his decision being final. The Hon. Sec. of
the League shall also be empowered to authorise a
delegate to visit the ground in order to obviate the
necessity of a team travelling. The League shall pay
the cost of such inspection.
Rule 43 Referees: Fees
Referees fees shall be laid down by the F.A.I.
Referees Committee from time to time. Each team
shall pay 50% of the fees for all games under the
jurisdiction of the League except for cup and shield
finals and playoff finals, where the cost will be borne
by the League. The referee’s fee should be paid in
advance of the game.
Rule 44 Referees: Duties
All Referees officiating in the K.D.F.L. shall be
obliged to carry out the instructions on the official
match card and return same to the League Hon.
Secretary by first post on Tuesday. The card is the
property of the league and must be produced by the
match official on demand to any member of the
Executive Committee. A detailed report of cautions,
dismissals and any other incident/s before during or
after the game must be furnished to the League with
the match card.
Rule 45 Referees: Appointment for Major Matches
The League Fixture Secretary and the area Referees
Inspector shall appoint all referees for semi-finals and
finals, two weeks in advance of the match date.
Rule 46 Representative Games
Each club when required shall place its players and
grounds at the disposal of the Executive Committee.
Any player selected to play in a match arranged by
the Executive Committee, The L.F.A. or F.A.I. who
without good and sufficient cause refuses to comply
with the arrangements of the Committee for the
playing of the match, or fails to play in such a match,
may be adjudged by the Committee to be guilty of
misconduct and any player or club which may be
deemed to have encouraged or instigated such player
to such miss-conduct may be dealt with as the
Committee sees fit.
Rule 47 Intimidation by Spectators
When it can be proved to the satisfaction of the
Executive Committee that the supporters of a club
which has choice of ground systematically interfere
with the play of the opposing club by using obscene
language or inciting the home team to use violence
towards their opponents etc. the Executive Committee
on the application of the visiting club shall have
power to order the match to be replayed at another
ground, neutral if possible, and shall deal with the
offending club as they see fit.
Rule 48 Suspended Players & Clubs
Clubs playing against suspended clubs shall be dealt
with by the Executive Committee, who shall have
power to suspend, fine or otherwise deal with such
Rule 49 Protests
a) Protests must be received by the Hon.
Secretary of the League per registered mail
bearing a post mark within 4 (four) days
(Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays
excluded) after the cause of the protest and
must be accompanied by a deposit, in the form
of a money order or bank draft, the amount of
which shall be laid down by the League from
time to time. This fee will be returned only in
the event of the protest being upheld or not
heard. A copy of the protest must be sent by
registered mail to the secretary of the club
protested against, within the period aforesaid.
A period of 48 hours after the receipt of
protest shall be afforded to the club protested
against to lodge a cross protest. A protest may
not be withdrawn without the consent of the
Executive Committee.
b) If the Executive Committee has any doubt as
to the qualifications of a player his club may
be required to prove that he qualified
according to the Rules and failing satisfactory
proof the Executive Committee may deal
further with the offending player/club.
c) In cases of protests or investigations of any
kind members of the Executive Committee
concerned with the interested clubs shall not
have the privilege of voting thereon. A
member of the Committee shall not vote or
take part in any discussion on any matter
affecting a club or player with which he
himself may be concerned.
d) Clubs concerned in a protest must receive 48
hours notice of the hearing and the protesting
club must produce all evidence at the first
meeting. The protester has the right of
personal attendance provided he advises the
League Secretary accordingly.
Rule 50
Disciplinary measures are under the control
of the Executive Committee who may delegate powers to a
Disciplinary Committee of the Kildare and District Football League.
Rule 51 Appeals to the LFA / FAI
Decisions of the KDFL Executive/Disciplinary Committee on all matters shall be final
and binding but clubs shall have the right to appeal
firstly to the Leinster Football Association and then to
the Football Association of Ireland. Any such appeal
must be forwarded to the Secretary of such
association per registered letter, bearing a postmark
within four clear days of the date on which the
notification was sent to the appellant and must be
accompanied by the appeal fee the amount of which
shall be the same as that laid down in the rules of the
Association being appealed to. A copy of such appeal
must be sent per registered post within the same
period to the Hon. Secretary of the League and/or
club or clubs concerned.
Rule 52 Free admission to matches
Members of the Executive Committee shall be
entitled to free admission to all matches under the
jurisdiction of the League.
Rule 53 Receipt of Trophies
All Clubs winning trophies will be required to sign a
receipt on behalf of their Club for such trophies
(Collection & Return of Trophy Form).
Any damage to trophies during which time the Club have possession of them shall
be borne by the club. The League shall arrange repair of same and shall charge the
Rule 54 League Competitions
a) The League Competition shall be divided into
sections as decided by the Executive
Committee each Season.
b) All Youth / underage League and Cup Competitions
shall be confined to players who are under age on the
dates as set down by the Football Association of Ireland.
c) The Fixtures Secretary shall arrange all
matches and venues and teams shall play
home and away matches except as otherwise
d) Midweek fixtures shall be played on a day stipulated by the fixtures Secretary.
e) In the event of a fixture postponement being
granted to a Club the onus is on the Club to
notify the Secretary of the opposing Club and
the match official.
f) Any Club failing to fulfil a match, unless such
Club has withdrawn from the competition,
shall be fined a sum equivalent to the amount
of travelling and other reasonable expenses
incurred by their opponents. Such fines shall
be paid through the Executive Committee to
the Club, which has incurred such expenses.
g) Any club that has not satisfied its financial
commitments to the League to the satisfaction of
the Executive Committee may not be considered
for entry into the Divisional / League Cup and Shield
h) Where possible, teams shall be given two weeks notice of any divisional or
League Cup/Shield finals.
Rule 55 Club Withdrawing From League
a)In the event of a team withdrawing from competition before the end of the season,
their club may be required to lodge a bond (Amount to be decided by the Executive
Committee) before being allowed to compete in the following season. The amount of
this bond will be refunded to the club on the satisfactory completion by that team of
their full compliment of fixtures.
b)If the club/clubs have played one half
or more of their League fixtures their record in
the League shall stand. Points for un-played
matches shall be credited to other clubs as
they accrue. If clubs have not completed one
half of their League fixtures their record shall
be expunged from the League table.
c) Players of a club, which has withdrawn from
the League may sign for another club, subject
to the normal rules of registration / regarding.
In addition to the registration fee the club shall
pay a levy, which shall be calculated as
follows. An amount equal to the total debts to
the League (if any) of the disbanded club
divided by the total number of players
registered by that club in the season in
Rule 56 Sharing of Gate Receipts
The home team shall retain all gate receipts in all
League matches, but in knockout competitions the
gate receipts shall be equally divided after expenses
have been deducted. Where it is evident that the
financial circumstances of the League warrant it the
Executive Committee in agreement with the Clubs
shall the power to review the question of gate
Rule 57 Points System
The League Tables shall be calculated on the basis of
3 points per win and 1 point per draw. In the event of
two or more clubs being equal on points at the
conclusion of the Championship the Clubs concerned
must play off to decide the winner.
Rule 58 Cups and Shields
Cups or such Trophies as may from time to time be
available shall be competed for annually as may be
determined by the Executive Committee. Such
competitions shall be restricted to Clubs, which are
members of The Kildare and District Football
All KDFL Cup and Shield Finals should, where possible, be played at grounds that
have changing room and shower facilities.
Rule 59 Promotion/Relegation
The Executive Committee shall decide the format from
time to time and publish their decision before
competition commences.
Rule 60 Knock-out competitions
Any cup Knock-Out competition under the auspices
of the Kildare and District Football League may be
open to all member Clubs or may be confined to a
particular Division/s as may from time to time be
determined by the Executive Committee.
Rule 61 Cup tied players
A player, who plays in a lower division Cup, shall not
be “cup tied” and shall be able to play in a higher
Divisional Cup for the same Club. A player who plays in a higher divisional cup shall
not be permitted to play in a lower Divisional cup for the same team.
Rule 62 Cup Draws etc.
The names of the Clubs entered for these
competitions shall be drawn in couples and in drawn
matches the Club last drawn in the ballot shall have
choice of ground in the second match and so on
alternately. The Committee may draw subsequent
rounds before the winners of the previous rounds
have been declared. The Committee shall have the
power to exempt any number of clubs from any
number of rounds and byes may be given so that for
clubs may compete in the semi-final rounds.
Rule 63 League Cup Semi Finals
The League Cup Semi Finals shall be played over
One leg at a suitable neutral venue.
Rule 64 Byes
In the event of a Club getting a bye in any of the
drawings the Executive Committee at the subsequent
drawing shall first draw a Club to play against it from
the lot. The two shall again be put in the ballot box
and drawn again and the Club first out shall have
choice of grounds but the Committee must arrange for
four Clubs to compete in the semi-final rounds. The
semi-finals and finals of all Cup & Shield matches
and test matches shall be played at a ground to be
selected by the Executive Committee.
Rule 65 Competition Winners
When the winners of a competition have been
declared the Executive Committee will present them
with the Cup. Medals may also be awarded to the
winners and runners-up in all League Cup and shield
Rule 66 Presentation of Cups / Shields
Where a League Division can be won exclusively at one
venue the trophy should be available for presentation
to the winning team following the final whistle.
Rule 67 Prize Money
Prize money for League winners shall be presented to
the winning club in the form of a cheque made payable to
the winning club, provided that clubs account with the
League is in order. The prize money shall be paid not
later than fourteen days after the final game in the
Senior division is played. All other Divisional League prize money shall be credited
to the Club involved prior to the commencement of the following season.
Rule 68 Public Liability Insurance
All clubs must have a current Public Liability
Insurance policy. If proof of cover is not provided to
the league within seven days of the expiry date of the
policy fixtures will be cancelled and the tie will be
1. General
a) The protection and welfare of children and vulnerable persons as defined in The FAI Child
Welfare and Safeguarding Policy is of paramount importance to The FAI. Any act, statement,
conduct or other matter which harms a child/children or vulnerable persons, or poses or may
pose a risk of harm to a child/children or vulnerable persons, shall constitute behaviour which
is improper and brings the game into disrepute. The FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy sets
out how all matters pertaining to the protection and welfare of children and vulnerable
persons are governed.
b) It is mandatory that all Clubs, Leagues, Members and Participants shall comply with all FAI
regulations, codes, policies and guidelines in respect of child protection, the protection of
vulnerable persons and the welfare of both.
c) It is mandatory that all Clubs, Leagues, Members and Participants shall comply with all legislation
and guidelines issued by any Statutory Authority in respect of child protection, the
protection of vulnerable persons and the welfare of both.
d) All Clubs, Leagues, Members and Participants are responsible for ensuring that their members are
made aware of and understand their legal and football obligations in respect of child
protection, the protection of vulnerable persons and the welfare of both.
e) It is mandatory that all Members and Leagues must ensure all their members who are defined
as offering a relevant service to children, as set in the Children First Act 2015, must have the
following in place:
• Valid Risk Assessment
• Valid Child Safeguarding Statement
• Safe recruitment practices, below as a minimum requirement,
Garda Vetting
Safeguarding training
• Code of conducts in place for:
Committee members
2. Designated Liaison Persons and Children’s Officers
a) All Clubs, Leagues, and Members shall appoint a person to be responsible for all child protection,
the protection of vulnerable persons and welfare matters within their organisation. In accordance with
legislation, this person shall be known as the “Designated Liaison Person”. The
Designated Liaison Person shall be the person holding the highest office within the football
body however day to day duties may be delegated to a suitable person who shall be known as
a “Children’s Officer”. In accordance with legislation, the Children’s Officer will also be referred
to as the “relevant person” within the affiliated member’s organisation with regards the organisation’s
child safeguarding statement.
b) The Designated Liaison Person and Children’s Officer shall ensure that they discharge
their duties in accordance with any legislation and all FAI regulations, codes, policies and
guidelines in respect of child protection, the protection of vulnerable persons and the welfare
of both.
3. Vetting Obligations
a) All those engaging with persons under the age of eighteen (18) and/or vulnerable persons
shall be Garda Vetted.
b) All Designated Children’s Officers, Designated Liaison Persons, Chairpersons and Secretaries
and other committee members of each Club, League, and Member involved with teams that
are competing in any age group up to and including Under 18’s and/or vulnerable persons
shall be Garda Vetted.
c) All coaches or those involved with the management of any team that are competing in any age
group up to and including Under 18’s and/or vulnerable persons shall be Garda Vetted.
d) Any other person working or volunteering with children and/or vulnerable persons in any ca- pacity
on behalf of a Club, League, and Member shall be Garda Vetted. It is the respon- sibility of the
football body concerned to determine the persons within their organisation who
this applies to subject to the relevant legislation and guidelines.
e) Failure to ensure that persons are vetted in accordance with Regulations and/or legislation
may result in disciplinary action against the individual and/or the Club, League, or Member and
may also constitute a legal offence under relevant legislation.
f) Clubs, Leagues, and Members shall not accept confirmation of the Garda Vetting status of any
individual prior to confirmation being received by the individual from The FAI that the Garda Vetting
of the individual is in order. The individual will receive an update through the My Comet
system stating their application has passed, they will also be able to download written correspondence
of the confirmation and a Garda Vetting License will appear on their license tab.
The Club, League, and Member, if they have registered the individual will be able to see the
Garda Vetting License. It is the responsibility of each Club, League, or Member, who engage
individuals, to ensure that they are comfortably satisfied that the individual has completed the
vetting process through the FAI. No Garda Vetting other than that completed through the FAI
can be accepted.
g) A Garda Vetting clearance or pass letter from the FAI is not an approval letter for an individual
to be involved with children. It is the responsibility of any Member, League, or Club to ensure
an individual is suitable to be involved with children on behalf of their organisation. Garda Vetting is
not a substitute for safe recruitment, and all Clubs, Leagues, and Members must follow
safe recruitment practices, including as outlined in The FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding
Policy when engaging persons to work or volunteer with children and/or vulnerable persons
within their organisation.
4. Vetting Applications
a) The FAI shall provide a Garda Vetting service to all Clubs, Leagues and Members. Applications
for vetting may be made through the Children’s Officer of the relevant football body or
the person responsible for the vetting applications with the relevant football body or directly
through The FAI.
b) The FAI shall be solely responsible for the approval of all vetting applications and final
determination on disclosures provided by the National Vetting Bureau in accordance with The FAI
Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy.
c) All persons shall complete their vetting application in good faith and shall ensure all information
provided is accurate, complete and up to date. Providing false or incorrect
information carries legal penalties and/or disciplinary action under the FAI Regulations.
d) All matters, disclosed as part of the Garda Vetting application shall remain confidential to FAI
authorised personnel, the applicant, the Child Welfare and Safeguarding Committee, Statutory
Authorities, and are stored in line with General Data Protection Regulations. However,
Passes and rejections shall be notified to all relevant football personnel in accordance with
The FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy.
5. Education and Training
a) All coaches or those involved with the management of any team that are competing in any
age group up to and including Under 18 or vulnerable persons shall complete an FAI approved
Safeguarding One “Basic Awareness” training course.
b) Any person working or volunteering with children or vulnerable persons in any capacity on
behalf of a Club, League, or Member shall complete an FAI approved Safeguarding One
“Basic Awareness” training course. It is the responsibility of the football body concerned to
determine the appropriate persons within their organisation who this applies to, subject to the
relevant legislation and guidelines.
c) Failure to ensure that the appropriate persons have completed The FAI approved training
course may result in disciplinary action against the individual and/or the Club, League, or
Member and may also constitute a legal offence under relevant legislation.
d) Clubs, Leagues, and Members shall not accept confirmation of completion of an approved
FAI training course from any individual prior to the individual receiving confirmation from The
FAI in the form of a certificate which should be presented to the Clubs, League and Member
from The FAI. For Sport Ireland approved Safeguarding courses that have been completed
through other National Sporting Governing Bodies or Local Sports partnership, view of the
actual certificate is the only confirmation to be accepted.
6. Stand Down Orders
a) Any person who is the subject of a complaint or inquiry by a Statutory Authority in relation to
any child welfare, young person or vulnerable person concern shall be issued with a stand
down order from all football activities as a precautionary measure. This order shall be issued
by the Child Welfare and Safeguarding Manager of The FAI and/or any Club, League, or
Member r, pending the outcome of any inquiry and any subsequent internal disciplinary proceedings.
Terms of a Stand Down Order must be complied with.
b) Clubs, Leagues, and Members shall immediately notify The FAI of any Stand Down Order
issued in accordance with the FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding policy.
c) The FAI may also issue a stand down order in circumstances where concerns are raised with
The FAI outside of a Statutory Authority investigation. A Club, League, and Member may also
issue a Stand Down Order in these circumstances, however The FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding
Manager must immediately be informed as per the Child Welfare and Safeguarding
d) Stand Down Orders shall be issued, managed and lifted in accordance with the FAI Child Welfare
and Safeguarding Policy
Rule 70 General
a) All questions of eligibility or qualification of
competitors or of the application of these rules
or the laws of the game shall be referred to the
Executive Committee whose decision shall be
final, subject to the right of appeal to the Leinster FA
and / or the Football Association of Ireland.
b) The Executive Committee shall have power to
decide on all matters not provided for in the rules of
the League and Cup competitions (subject to the right
of appeal to the Leinster FA and / or the Football
Association of Ireland) but must submit a proposal
for a rule change at the next AGM.
c) Each Club have confirmed to be bound by the Rules of the KDFL on their Club
application form each year.
d) The foregoing Constitution and rules shall not
be amended, suspended or added to except at
the A.G.M. of the League Management
committee or at a Special General Meeting (SGM)
of the League and any proposal to do so must be
notified in writing to the Hon. Secretary of the
League bearing a postmark not less than 21
days before the date of the Annual General
Meeting or the proposed date of a Special General
Meeting (SGM)
e) The Kildare and District Football League is
subject to any Rules of the Leinster Football
Association and the Football Association of
Ireland, which are not contained in the
foregoing. Each club must have at least one
current copy of both L.F.A. and F.A.I. Rule
books in their possession and shall be bound
thereby. Each Club shall also have at least one
current copy of the “Laws of the Game”,
which is available from the FAI.
These Rules shall be reprinted and updated as often as
the Executive Committee deem necessary, but at least
every five years.
Any rule in this book, which contravenes a rule of the
L.F.A. or the F.A.I. shall be declared null and void.
For your guidance:
In the interpretation of these rules, unless the context
otherwise requires, the following words and
expressions shall have the meanings so defined and
words importing the singular shall include the plural,
and vice versa. Words importing the masculine
include the feminine and words importing persons
shall include bodies corporate.